Alicia Soltmann

Ms. Alicia has been a part of KOK for awhile now. She taught in our three's for a few years before taking on the challenge of music enrichment. She has great understanding of all ages and easily adapts lessons accordingly. Music and Movement is a child's language and each week she is making a joyful noise in each child's heart.

Angie Shivers

This is Ms. Angie's 4th year teaching in the two's age level. Her playful personality brings joy to the classroom. She lovingly welcomes each lamb into her open arms offering lots of hugs and encouragement as these apprehensive young learners turn into confident two year olds.

Azul Hartman

This will be Ms. Azul's 2nd year at KOK. She has many years of experience working with children. Ms. Azul speaks Spanish and enjoys sharing Spanish words to common objects, colors, and numbers with children in her class. Her kind and caring personality brings smiles and meaningful interactions with her children and families.

Colleen Sager

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Ms. Colleen's friendly personality welcomes each new family and makes everyone feel at home. She first taught in our classrooms for four years before finding her way to the office. She always has a smile and is willing to help anywhere. One of her most important jobs is making sure the "smartie" jar is always full.

Jennifer Boyer

Ms. Jennifer's helpful hand has been felt all over KOK for 15 years. Having worked in all ages, she has settled into the busy threes with ease. Ms. Jennifer always has a calm, steady approach to teaching. She plans activities that are age appropriate with a dimension of excitement in each activity.

Katie Baker

This is Ms. Katie's 2nd year at KOK. She has embraced the energetic three year olds with a positive attitude and lots of laughs. Her easy going personality is a great fit for this spirited age group. Katie loves the outdoors and gardening and loves to teach children about God's beautiful creations.

Katie Najera

Although this is Ms. Katie's first year at KOK, she has lots of experience teaching early childhood and elementary education. She does a great job of presenting lessons and materials in an age appropriate, organized manner that ignites curiosity in the students in her class. Her knowledge and understanding of elementary expectations allows her to teach her students the fundamentals of a solid foundation for continued learning.

Kay Ivy

Ms. Kay has been a part of KOK for four years and has many years experience working in elementary school teaching a variety of subjects. She has a passion for arts and crafts. She is creative and enjoys watching children make masterpieces they are proud of. She is gentle and kind and brings peace and positivity to the classroom.

Maria Juarez

Beginning her 17th year at KOK, Ms. Maria's enthusiasm is still going strong and felt in the KOK hallways. You can often hear her laughter and enjoyment as she sings with her class on their way to our enrichment classes. Her joyful spirit is contagious. There is always fun adventures and smiling faces in her classroom.

Mary Guaraldo

Ms. Mary has been a staple at KOK for many, many years. Throughout her years she has taught ages 2, 3, and 4. Ms. Mary is a pet lover, nature lover, and all things Science lover. She established KOK's science curriculum 10 years ago and has been sharing experiments with all children ever since. The wonder and excitement with each new discovery is what brings her joy. She really enjoys bringing her love of science mysteries to life each week.

Melisa Lopez Picardo

Ms. Melisa is beginning her 2nd year in the lamb class. She has a special gift of patience and tenderness that is perfect for our youngest children. Her loving arms and sweet personality are a blessing to her little lambs and their parents.

Michelle McGuire

Job Titles:
  • Director
Ms. Michelle has been at KOK for 16 years. She is dedicated to making this preschool the best in town. She believes in this KOK family and makes every effort to create an environment of love, understanding, comfort, and acceptance. She loves the children and calls them ALL by name. She has confidence in her staff and believes in their abilities to provide a wholesome, nurturing environment that will meet the needs of each child's spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth.

Mona Warner

Ms. Mona will be completing her 20th year at KOK this school year. Her experience and dedication to early childhood is so valuable. Having taught many ages, she is firmly planted in providing quality experiences for these ever changing three year olds. She creates a fun, enriching, loving classroom for each child to grow and learn.

Niki Kickel

This is Ms. Niki's 5th year at KOK. All three of her children have attended our program, so she has seen firsthand how well our program prepares children for success in elementary school. Ms. Niki is excited to teach God's love to her class. Her fun loving spirit brings joy and ease to all children she teaches.

Paige Jackson

This is Ms. Paige's 6th year in the two's age level. She is so easy going and fun to be with that these sometimes unsure two's quickly adjust finding comfort and love in her classroom. She is so patient and understanding with this young age. Being in a program that allows her to share her enthusiasm and love of Jesus brightens her day and brings joy to her life.

Shawn Jones

Ms. Shawn has been making a difference at KOK for 9 years. She loves teaching about God and building character in each child. Her creativity is abundant and decorates the walls in her class beautifully. She is sweet, sincere, and comforting to everyone she meets.

Shelley Wetzel

This is Ms. Shelley's third year at KOK. She has over 15 years experience working with children with and without special needs in a physical education setting. She moved to Montgomery, Texas from La Crosse, WI. She has been married for 15 years and has 3 children. She loves exploring through movement and music and building the children's self-confidence through play.

Tara Tuttle

Ms. Tara is new to the owls class this year. She has a passion for volunteering and working with children in both early childhood and elementary education. Ms. Tara's sweet, gentle personality provides comfort and warmth in the classroom. She enjoys helping children reach their potential through discovery and play.

Vicky Roberts

Ms. Vicky has worked in children's ministry for many years. She has been a chapel leader and music teacher for KOK. For 8 years now, she has been in the classroom sharing these passions as well as laying a fantastic foundation for future learning with each froggy family. She hopped right in to sharing God's grace and unconditional love for His children.