MII - History of Changes

2022-05-22 delete cfo Limor Regev Kuzik
2022-05-22 delete otherexecutives Inna Zigboim
2022-05-22 insert otherexecutives Inna Zigelboim
2022-05-22 insert otherexecutives Prof. Yuval Ramot
2022-05-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain lab.sc
2022-05-22 delete associated_investor HealthCare Ventures
2022-05-22 delete person Daria Lisovets
2022-05-22 delete person Dr. Arik Tzour
2022-05-22 delete person Dr. Tal Berman
2022-05-22 delete person Inna Zigboim
2022-05-22 delete person Limor Regev Kuzik
2022-05-22 delete source_ip
2022-05-22 delete ticker_symbol NDRM
2022-05-22 insert person Dr. Luba Shapiro
2022-05-22 insert person Inna Zigelboim
2022-05-22 insert person Natalie Zarubinsky
2022-05-22 insert person Oded Aharon
2022-05-22 insert source_ip
2022-05-22 update person_description Dr. Alona Weiss => Dr. Alona Weiss
2022-05-22 update person_description Dr. Doron Friedman => Dr. Doron Friedman
2022-05-22 update person_description Eran Perry => Eran Perry
2022-05-22 update person_description Junichi Hamada => Junichi Hamada
2022-05-22 update person_description Limor Regev Yuzik => Limor Regev Yuzik
2022-05-22 update person_description Masanobu Ogawa => Masanobu Ogawa
2022-05-22 update person_description Miri Refael => Miri Refael
2022-05-22 update person_description Mr. Kenichi Owada => Mr. Kenichi Owada
2022-05-22 update person_description Nir Rapaport => Nir Rapaport
2022-05-22 update person_description Ortal Shalom => Ortal Shalom
2022-05-22 update person_description Prof. Yuval Ramot => Prof. Yuval Ramot
2022-05-22 update person_title Ortal Shalom: Project Manager; Chemical Engineer => Project Manager
2022-05-22 update person_title Prof. Yuval Ramot: Chief Medical Officer / Associate Professor of Dermatology and Venereology, Hadassah - Hebrew University => Chief Medical Officer
2022-05-22 update robots_txt_status www.miiscience.com: 200 => 404