Dr. Dewey E. Painter, Sr. - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Retired U.S. naval supply officer for 22 years and is currently serving as National Recruiting and Retention Committee member at large at National Headquarters U.S. Air Force/Civil Air Patrol at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, as chaplain lieutenant colonel. He was knighted into the Military Order of St. Michael in September 2002 where he assumed the duties as the Grand Knight under the Duke of Salem and as such was also given the title of Count of Salem. He is co-founder and executive director of the South East American Indian Council, Inc. and founder of Mission Harvest America, Inc. He is currently serving on community action boards for the University of Florida College of Pharmacy and University of Florida College of Journalism, HEMI, Florida Occupant Protection Coalition, Advisory board for MAYO Clinic Spirit of Eagles and project manager for Florida State Department of Health and South Carolina State Department of Health for American Indian Cancer and related programs, president of the U.S. CBD Manufacturers Association and senior partner for VHDP Associates, LLC.. He is an active elder member of the White Bear Muskogee Tribal Village in Florida. His professional membership and achievements include professional clinical member, National Christian Education Association, certified pastoral counselor, National Christian Education Association. He is certified as a post-graduate professor, post-secondary teacher and secondary teacher. He is listed in "Who's Who in the South and Southwest," "Who's Who in American Education" and "Who's Who of International Professionals." He was awarded a Certificate of Accomplishment by "Who's Who of International Professionals" and awarded the Military Chaplaincy Association's Distinguished Service Award in 2003.

Dr. Edward Smith - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice - President
Dr. Smith's accomplishments are many, not the least of which are his ministry accomplishments. He is highly recognized and respected globally as a Chaplain, educator and mentor. His extensive and successful background in law enforcement chaplaincy, crisis and corporate chaplaincy has garnered Dr. Smith acclaim throughout the world. He is currently Chaplain for the Dallas County District Attorney's Office (Investigator Division), Dallas County Police Department. He has served as President and Chaplain for Victim Relief Ministries and has trained thousands of chaplains and responders to work alongside police and crime victims. He has managed disaster deployments throughout the United States as well as numerous other countries. Dr. Smith has partnered with some of the premier disaster response and recovery ministries including Somebody Cares, Crisis Response Ministries, Heartland Response, United Cry, and the Race Track Chaplaincy of America. His own ministry Chaplain Ministries Global maintains global impact which continues to thrive and expand. He holds doctoral degrees of Divinity, Ministry and History through Primus University of Theology. He serves as adjunct professor and has taught at the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT) to Chiefs of Police and Command staff from law enforcement agencies throughout the State of Texas. His love of history and passion for education have combined to make him a diverse and noted speaker, lecturer and trainer.

Dr. Gary Adams - President

Job Titles:
  • President
For over 30 years he has assisted in crisis management and disaster response, providing a long list of services for those in need. Dr. Adams is a #1 Best Selling author and minister. He is Founder/Director of Heartland Response, an organization dedicated to assisting in meeting the needs of people in crisis. He has a passion for educating and training leadership in both corporate and ministry organizations. He has specialized in teaching Bible, Emergency Management and disaster response/recovery both nationally and internationally. In 2011, he graduated from American Public University with a Master of Arts in Emergency and Disaster Management with honors. For his work in disaster relief and offering humanitarian aid around the world, he received a Doctor of Literature, D.Litt. (Honorary) in February, 2012 from Florida Beacon College and Seminary. He currently serves as a faculty member of Taongi National University (TNU) in Liberia. During the course of his studies, he obtained and maintains a Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist certification (CMAS). He has been involved for over fifty years in active ministry, many of those years as a pastor, and in foreign and domestic missions. He has experience in the administration of faith-based agency development and effective execution of humanitarian aid programs. He has experience in disaster relief work and provision of humanitarian assistance throughout the Americas, Mexico, Europe, and Asia. His broad background includes law enforcement and federal disaster assistance.