MNSEC - Key Persons

Austin Quam

Austin is an experienced and highly certified security professional who specializes in cloud security (including but not limited to Amazon Web Services, Azure, and Office 365). He specializes in information security assessments, vCISO Services, and enabling Secure DevOps. Past industries he has served include technology, critical infrastructure, healthcare, and finance. Austin has experience working for one of the biggest security consulting firms in the world and has worked with clients of all sizes in many capacities. Austin has a desire to support and serve public sector clients (specifically local governments) as he continues to aspire and work towards a more secure society together with the members of the Minnesota Security Consortium.

Bernadette Strobach

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Infrastructure Manager for Washington County
Bernadette works as the Infrastructure Manager for Washington County in MN. She has spent the majority of her career working in government and education Information Technology, and believes that data security is one of the biggest challenges that government faces today. She is passionate about bridging the security gap for organizations that serve the public, and understands the financial constraints that government entities grapple with.

Brady Juell

Job Titles:
  • Chief
Chief of Police/Emergency Management Director Elko New Market Police Department. 25 years of experience in Law Enforcement and leadership. Holds a Masters Degree from the University of St. Thomas in Public Safety Administration & Police Leadership and a Bachelors Degree from MN State University in Law Enforcement and Minority & Ethnic Studies. Vast experience at all levels of Law Enforcement. Chief Juell has experience in successfully completing CJIS policy and security audits. Chief Juell recognizes the significant importance for an agency to have an up to date computer security infrastructure in place. Even more important though, is the vast resources the Consortium provides to agencies of all sizes while navigating these audits and dealing with computer security threats.

Dimitrios Hilton - CEO, Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • President
Dimitrios is a very active member of the consortium, and has a wide skillset that will serve members in areas such as CJIS, SCADA, PCI, HIPAA and other requirements that surface in the future. His experience in both Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Law Enforcement also makes him a great asset to law enforcement agencies when it comes to CJIS audits, Body-Worn Camera Audits, and ALPR Audits. Dimitrios is known for his experience and understanding of Local Governments and his approach to Security Assessments and follow-up vCISO services have greatly helped support existing local government staff. Local government IT departments find it extremely helpful to have him help secure their organization. Dimitrios is the founder and CEO of MNSec, allowing him to combine his long history with Information Technology, Security, and Local Government. His unique experience and leadership in the field of Local Government Information Security will continue to help members protect their information assets and to help them maintain compliance with CJIS, SCADA, PCI, HIPAA and other requirements that surface in the future. Dimitrios is the author of the security blog, Hilton on Security, and is the former President of the Twin Cities chapter of ISC2, which helps keep new and existing Certified Information System Security Professionals current on trends in security.

Robert James

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Information and Communications Technology Director for the City of Woodbury
Robert serves as the Information and Communications Technology Director for the City of Woodbury where he has worked for 16 years. His 32 years of IT experience allows him to understand how security has gotten to the state it is in today and how critically important it is to secure our organizations while still enabling operational excellence.

Tyrone E. Wilson

Tyrone (CEH Master, eJPT, Sec+, Net+) is an information security professional with 24 years of experience in information technology and systems configuration, including information systems and network security. Wilson also has extensive knowledge in computer network defense, vulnerability assessments, cyber threat analysis, and incident response. As a former cybersecurity analyst for the United States Army, Wilson developed security structures to ensure American intelligence systems were protected from foreign threats. Tyrone was also a Keynote Speaker at the Hacker Halted 2019, and teaches in numerous public speaking enagagements.