Renee Love

Renee Love (born Renée Mullings-Lewis) is The Only Self-Love Priestess™ - a divinely ordained, reincarnated self-love teacher and energy medicine practitioner and IIN certified health coach. Over the last 10 years Renee has privately taught hundreds of people worldwide how to love themselves, clean up their energies bodies and create a life they love. Today she's on an incredible self-love journey of her own, where she inspires thousands daily to live "a life of self-love". She knows first hand how painful life can be when we don't love ourselves and don't have the tools necessary to heal ourselves. Like so many, Renée overcame a 20 year battle with low self-esteem, anxiety and depression, chronic self-sabotaging and disordered eating. It was through her greatest suffering that she found her greatest gifts. It was this journey that led to the divine emergence of Modern Day Wise Woman - now one of the fastest growing self-love self-love schools in the market. She is the face of Self-Love Master Class™ (2012 -2020), a weekly web series for conscious men, women and modern day mystics. Renée's philosophy is that self-love is the foundation upon which we attract all things into our lives. Create a solid foundation of self-love, and with that we can intentionally and powerfully attract quite literally anything we truly desire. Renee has appeared on CIUT radio, her work has caught the eye of law of attraction expert Dr. Joe Vitale and has been published in the Journal of Motherhood Initiative For Research & Community Involvement. She continues to mentor and heal men and women through her flagship coaching and energy medicine programs. Find out more about Renée by following her on instagram and youtube.