MYPAY - Key Persons

Jaya Prasad Bhattarai - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
MyPay was founded with the goal of breaking the digital wallet taboo. I have high confidence in the company's ability to bring digital advances in tandem with societal changes. We have entered such a competitive market with such a huge plan, yet we are sparkling across from everyone. There are many more things and developments to come, and we are really thrilled to see the firm expand to its full potential.

Manoj K. Mehta - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer

Pratima Bajracharya

Job Titles:
  • HR - Admin
Masters of Business Administration, 9+ years of experience in Human Resources and Administration across several renowned organizations.

Roshan Sigdel

Job Titles:
  • Head of Business and Marketing
Masters in Economics, currently working in digital marketing, brand building and business development with 6+ years of experience across several organizations.