Angie Tran

Job Titles:
  • Designer
Fair warning - do not mess with Angie. She is a master of photoshop and is not afraid to create a realistic rendition of you in space picking your nose through your helmet.

Bryan Wirtz

Job Titles:
  • SEO Copywriter
He may seem like the kind of guy that eats the same breakfast of a yogurt, a banana, and toast every morning since birth. He is. Does that stop him from writing circles around all of us? Nope.

Jess Park - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Co - Founder
With a personality as colorful as her hair, Jess is a force to be reckoned with. Especially when she gets talking about her dogs. Please someone stop her.

Tiffany Supriyadi

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Manager
People who make fun of Gen Z-ers are just jealous of their youth. Or - that's what Tiff likes to believe anyway. Hip as she might be, she won't dance for a TikTok, no matter how many times we ask. "Tyler and Jess are first class. They under promise and overdeliver which is rare in todays world of social media marketing. I've worked with 4 other companies in the past and never have I had the results and structure that Sprinkles offers. Easy to work with, super social media savvy, and most importantly fun and playful. Highly recommend."

Tyler Eisenhart - CMO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CMO
  • Co - Founder
It may seem like Tyler comes on too strong with his dad jokes at times, but we promise it's better than the alternative (his non-dad jokes). Not to mention, his expertise in marketing is unparalleled.