Engr. Mustapha Adebayo Zubair

Job Titles:
  • Acting Rector, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State
Engr. Mustapha Adebayo Zubair until his appointment as the Acting Rector, was the Deputy Rector in charge of Administration of the Polytechnic. He is a Chief Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Mrs Bukola Olatunji

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Director
  • Deputy Director, SERVICOM, Anti - Corruption and Transparency ( SACT ) Division, Office of the Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission ( NUC ), Abuja, Nigeria
  • NUC in 2012 As a Chief Information Officer
Mrs Bukola Olatunji is the Deputy Director, SERVICOM, Anti-Corruption and Transparency (SACT) Division, in the Office of the Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission (NUC), She is a journalist by training, with interests in education and communication for development. Mrs Olatunji graduated from the University of Ibadan with a Master's degree in Communication Arts and has served in several capacities in the private and public sectors. In more than 20 years of journalism practice, 10 of which was as Education Editor of This Day Newspapers, she traversed the world covering education and presenting papers, including six editions of the biennial General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, Commonwealth of Learning conferences in Edinburgh and the United Kingdom, International Conference on Education, Geneva, International Conference against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Japan, Conference of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), Washington DC and several others across 15 countries in Africa including Benin, Ghana, Senegal, Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Cote d'Ivoire, Mauritius, Mali, South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, Kenya and Gabon. She won the first ever African Education Journalist of the Year Award, organised by the Association for Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), in 2002 and won it for the second time in 2005, among other awards and commendations by her employers. A member of the Steering Committee, Communication for Education and Development (COMED), for three years (2009 - 2012), Olatunji is currently a member of the Executive Board of the Addis Ababa-based Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa Forum (CAFOR). Mrs. Olatunji joined NUC in 2012 as a Chief Information Officer and has been the Communications Officer at NUC's Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the World Bank-supported Africa Centres of Excellence (ACE) Project since 2015. She is, among others, an Alumna of the Galilee International Institute of Management, Israel and US State Department's International Visitor Leadership Programme, which saw her visiting seven states in the US to examine ‘Contemporary Challenges in Higher Education'.

PROF. Ayobami Salami

Job Titles:
  • Vice Chancellor
  • Professor

Prof. Julius Kola Oloke

Job Titles:
  • Vice - Chancellor
Professor Oloke was born on 17th December 1958. He obtained a PhD in Microbiology from Obafemi Awolowo University in 1989. He became a Professor of Microbiology and Biotechnology at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology in 1999. Between 1993 and 1994 he did some genetic engineering work on an unusual isolate of Bacillus thurigiensis at the Biology Department University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada. As a result of this preliminary work, the organism was deposited at the American Culture Collection Centre (NRRL) as Bacillus thurigiensis oloke and filed for American Patent with ascension number WO/1997/041235. The research group of Professor Oloke successfully constructed a Computerized Bioreactor and Computerized Temporary Immersion Bioreactor which are very vital in microbial fermentation and plant tissue culture. The Bioreactors were adjudged one of the ten outstanding research work at the First ever NUC Research Fair in Abuja. This feat contributed to fetching Ladoke Akintola University of Technology the First position among all the States Universities of Nigeria for three consecutive years. This research discovery has since been acquired by the National Biotechnology Development Agency, Abuja. In a quest to find a long-lasting solution to immuno-compromised conditions, Professor Oloke formulated an immune modulating agent known as Trinity Immuno-booster (Trino IB). It was given a NAFDAC number in 2007 and has been successfully used for the management of different immuno-compromised conditions both in Nigeria and some other countries. As a result of this feat Professor Oloke was conferred with National Productivity Order of Merit Award by the Federal Government of Nigeria in August 2012. In Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso; he has served in different Administrative Posts like Head, Department of Pure and Applied Biology; Director, Academic Planning and Chairman, Pre-Degree Science Program. Professor Oloke has served as a member of Governing Councils for Ladoke Akintola University of Technology and at The Nigerian Baptist Theology Seminary, Ogbomoso. He has graduated more than thirteen Doctoral students some of which have become Professors. Professor Oloke who has served as a member of NUC Accreditation Panels to five Universities had been a Visiting Professor to University of Lagos and Osun State University. Among his international travels, in May 2014, Professor Oloke was specially invited to All Saints University College of Medicine in St Vincent and Grenadines as a Foundation Dean for the Faculty of Science. During his stay in All Saints University, he played a major role in the accreditation excise of the University and assisted the University in setting up a Research Committee. Professor Oloke led a team of Nigerian Scientists to develop COVID-19 vaccine in 2020. The COVID-19 vaccine is at animal trial stage. Professor Oloke is the pioneer Vice chancellor of Precious Cornerstone University. Under his leadership, the University has established linkages with several Institutions within and outside Nigeria. Several developmental projects are also ongoing in the University. He is happily married with children.

Steve Azaiki

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Nigerian House of Representatives
  • Professor
  • Secretary to Bayelsa State Government
Prof. Azaiki had a stint as science teacher in Bishop Dimeari Grammar School, soon after obtaining the WASC. On Return from studies abroad, he got employed on Grade Level 13 in the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity in 1993, and retired on Grade Level 17 in 2007, after serving as State Director in Rivers and Oyo States Directorates of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE). In Bayelsa State, he has served in about 16 positions, notably pioneer Commissioner of Agriculture and Natural Resources; twice as Secretary to the State Government (SSG), and a number of honourary advisory positions in the state, most recently, as Honorary Special Adviser on Agriculture; Education and capacity building, Pro-Chancellor and Chairman Governing Council of the Niger Delta University (NDU). At national level, Prof. Azaiki at various times, served as Special Adviser to the Minister of Special Duties, Minister of Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Minister of Police Affairs and Minister of Youth Development. He was also a member of Governing Council, Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA). Chief among Non-governmental (NGOs) founded and co-founded by Professor Steve Azaiki are the World Environment Foundation for Africa (WEMFFA) and the National Think-Tank Nigeria (NTTN), all of which he served as President, respectively, as well as coordinator and chairman of 13 committees of NTTN, which also submitted memorandum to the 2014 National Conference in the era of Former President Goodluck Jonathan. He also founded and served four years, as President of the International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology (ISCEST), Nigeria, an organization promoting research, development of knowledge and skills, especially in Africa. Prof. Azaiki, is also active in organisations such as Comparative & International Education Societies of America, (CIESA); World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, (WCCES) which he is co-opted into Executive Committee; Under Represented Group Societies (UREAG), Executive Member and Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society (SACHES), as Co-opted Executive Member. Prof. Azaiki is currently a member of the Nigerian House of Representatives, on the platform of the People's Democratic Party (PDP), representing Yenagoa-Kolokuma/Opokuma Federal Constituency, and serves on vital house committees.