Russell Barnett

Russell has been working in the tax industry since 2003, and earned the Enrolled Agent designation in 2004 after passing the IRS administered Special Enrollment Examination (SEE) test. Russell has 15 years of experience in preparing all manner of tax returns, as well as in representing taxpayers whose returns have been selected by the IRS or state tax agencies for audit or who find themselves in collections due to being behind on their taxes. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Golden Gate University in 2009. Russell has served multiple terms on the board of directors for the Mission Society of Enrolled Agents, and has also served as Secretary and as Treasurer for the organization. Russell has lived in the San Jose area since 1987. He lives with his wife Jolene and his two daughters, along with two Pembroke Welsh Corgis and two chinchillas. Outside of work Russell serves as treasurer for a local chinchilla rescue and also for his daughters' school's PTA. His hobbies include reading, walking for exercise, and playing the ukulele.