Alan Cameron-Duff

Alan is a designer and builder with over 20 years experience. Having graduated with a degree in design Alan worked as an Interior Designer on a range of commercial projects, from shopping centres to furniture. After a short period as a secondary school teacher, Alan embarked on a cob building apprenticeship in the USA. "Working with earth, timber and stone is always a humbling, joyful and meditative process and has provided me with a vehicle to bring together the creative, spiritual and practical elements of my life." Alan is also an avid rock climber and his addiction to the sport has taken him to many beautiful and inspiring places across the world.

Angela Sidwell

Angela is a sculptor who has worked with us on a couple of projects including Wythenshawe Park's Cob Education space in 2006 and St. Cleopas School's Outdoor Classroom space in 2011 where she carved both the entrance posts/cruck frame for these buildings. She ran wood carving workshops as part of both these projects.

Doug King

Doug runs a fantastic community woodland project down in Devon, The Hillyfield, where he is now based. He has been exploring the world of carving since 2005. Doug first introduced his beautiful circular carved windows to our Slimbridge WWT 'Back from the Brink' project in 2009. We then invited him back in 2011 to contribute these circular beauties for two cob roundhouse outdoor classroom spaces, Arden Grove Infant & Primary School where he also ran a carving workshop as part of the carving of the cruck frame entrance, and St. Cleopas School.

Keith Matthews

Keith is a traditional greenwood craftsman and teacher with over twenty years experience in joinery, woodland crafts and sustainable building techniques. Having lived in North Wales for many years, he returned to his native Liverpool and is keen to continue his work in the city. He has worked with The Roundhouse Company since 2015 on a variety of projects and enjoys the challenge and variety of the projects. Keith brings some of his own personal touches to our work, from bespoke door designs to furniture and sculpture, a well known prolific and accomplished spoon carver, Keith recently carved a spoon a day for an entire year!

Leo Alvarez

Leo has been involved in a variety of interesting carpentry projects from custom made furniture and compost loos to an award winning eco shed 'The Owl house' and stage sets for The Kazimier Garden and The Invisible Wind Factory. He joined us as a carpenter on the Saline Lagoon Hide project at Washington WWT in 2016.