Banning Hendriks

Job Titles:
  • Director, OHSU
Isaac partnered with OHSU and Ronald McDonald House Charites to help facilitate sessions with our leadership team to understand the nature of bias, and how to recognize our own. He then helped lead open dialogue on how we could communicate and collaborate differently based on what we learned. Isaac's approach was thorough, thoughtful, and collaborative, and the results have been valuable in charting our path forward to create an even more inclusive environment for our team and those we serve.

Carol Scherman

Job Titles:
  • HR Advisor / Consultant / Former EVP Global Human Resources, Quiksilver, Inc., Huntington Beach, CA / Former EVP Human Resources, Bergen Brunswig Corporation, Orange, CA
Isaac Dixon is a thought leader and partner in areas of diversity, equity and inclusion as well as all things human resources. Isaac brings genuine experiences and reflections that serve to challenge thinking and explore new ways of approaching and dealing with others. Isaac's life stories are relevant, poignant, and honest - he is willing to be vulnerable which in turn provides for others to really think about their own life influences and their impact on how they show up in the world. Isaac is a generous listener and gentle influencer. I am honored to have engaged with Isaac in a variety of industries and look forward to continuing a thoughtful and enduring partnership.

Eric Brown

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & SW Washington
We have a unique partnership with OHSU to provide housing for pediatric and adult patients (and their families) who are traveling for critical care. The only way to do it well is to create a cohesive team that spans both organizations - including key communication structures, incorporating DEI strategies in our work, and creating an effective platform for consistently serving families. Isaac partnered with our team as a trainer, mentor and facilitator to help build a foundation and common language around all of these elements and we could not be more grateful. He was a key partner in our continued journey of becoming a high performing team!

Isaac Dixon

Job Titles:
  • Leader

Jim Prinzing

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer at Pelican Brewing Company and Kiwanda Hospitality / at Pelican Brewing Company
At Pelican Brewing Company and Kiwanda Hospitality, we were searching for a DEI partner who would help us do the "real work" of embedding a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusivity in our companies. That search led us to Vista HR Consulting. Isaac believes in "meeting people where they are" and began our partnership by learning about our team so he could best help us create a plan which aligns with our goals. His breadth of experience and knowledge makes him relatable, and he delivers his knowledge with generosity and warmth. The result is real-world advice that is actionable and helps us become the company we want to be.