Adene Sacks

Job Titles:
  • Social Strategist
Adene is a social strategist who works alongside visionary leaders and communities to re-imagine communal systems. Her favorite days at work involve sitting with multi-sector teams, foundations and organizations who share her curiosity about how networks and human-centered tools can help us re-design systems to be more inclusive and just. There is usually chocolate involved.

Alicia Jay

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Amy Wu

Job Titles:
  • Internal Partner
  • Chief Designer, CEO, and Founder of Duende
Amy is the chief designer, CEO, and founder of Duende, a creative consultancy working in the areas of strategy, leadership and team activation, and experience design. She enjoys engaging with clients to grapple with stubborn challenges and imagine fresh pathways. At first a poet. Early in her journey, Amy aspired to be a poet and publisher until she discovered that she didn't want poetry to be her business but to keep it her personal project. You can find some of her writings at amywu.us. Amy lives by the beach in San Francisco with her partner, two children, and dog.

Ana Polanco

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Belma González

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Bethsaida Ruiz

Job Titles:
  • Project Partner

Claire Haas

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Dewey Schott

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Eileen Blumenthal

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Ernest Mark

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Ernesto López Saldaña

Job Titles:
  • Project Partner

Isoke Femi

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Internal Partner
  • Teacher
Isoke is an Imaginal practitioner who is committed to fostering and creating the conditions that allow cultural leaders to explore engagements that deepen, complexify and embody experience. Through imaginal transformation theory and practice leaders increase their capacity for recognizing and working with difference in radically new and effective ways. Referred to as GLIDE's Maven of Transformative Learning, Isoke is committed to bridging the gap between western psychology, liberation theory and African American spirituality in order to encourage true care of the soul.

Johnny Manzon-Santos

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Kris Helé

Job Titles:
  • Independent Consultant
  • Internal Partner
  • Evaluation Lead
Kris is an independent consultant with nearly two decades of experience supporting nonprofit and philanthropic organizations to improve their effectiveness and impact. Kris works with organizations to design, implement and learn from a variety of measurement efforts, with a particular love of surveys. As an evaluator-as well as a coach for more than 60 Listen4Good organizations to date-Kris brings a realistic, learning-focused and action-oriented approach.

Lindsay Bellows

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Mark Nicolson - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Cofounder

Melissa Hardy

Job Titles:
  • Internal Partner
  • Finance Lead
Melissa brings almost 20 years of business design, strategy, and financial management experience to With/In Collaborative. As Finance Lead, she oversees business accounting, financial forecasting, and analytics. Prior to joining With/In Collaborative, Melissa co-founded an award-winning worker-cooperative business in Berkeley, California. Melissa supports many women-owned businesses, cooperative businesses, and innovative companies with her expertise in financial operations, analysis, and strategic growth. Melissa holds a degree from UC Berkeley and lives in Northern California with her family.

Miki Poy

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Ricky Sherover Marcuse

Job Titles:
  • Founder of Unlearning Racism Workshops

Rob McGowan

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Sara Farooqi

Job Titles:
  • Project Partner

Sheilah Mabry

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Virginia Mosqueda

Job Titles:
  • Project Coach

Yeshi Neumann

Job Titles:
  • Elder
  • Internal Partner
  • Teacher
Yeshi Neumann has been working as a midwife since 1970. In 2000, she created Homestyle Midwifery, a unique model of care, blending home and hospital birth. In 2006 Homestyle Midwifery received a certificate of honor from Mayor Gavin Newsom, and in July 2007 was voted "Best Way to Have a Baby" by San Francisco magazine. In addition to her work in the United States, Yeshi has taught and learned from nurses and midwives in Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Trinidad, Tibet, Morocco, India, and China. For many years she was the team leader and principal educator of the Pachamama Alliance sponsored maternal-child health project, Jungle Mamas, in the Amazonian rainforest in Ecuador. Yeshi has facilitated hundreds of workshops about women's leadership, diversity, conflict resolution,organizational development, communication and healing family relationships. She brings her passion for women's empowerment and social justice to her work with mothers, grandmothers and community leaders. Yeshi also trains social change leaders from the non-profit, philanthropic, labor and socially responsible business sectors in the Art of Leadership at Rockwood Leadership Institute. Yeshi has developed a relevant and inspiring curriculum for the grandmothers of our time, Conscious Grandmothering Workshops. Yeshi is honored to carry on the work of her beloved sister Ricky Sherover Marcuse, founder of Unlearning Racism Workshops. Yeshi is a dedicated student and practitioner and teacher of Mindfulness.and Wisdom Healing Chigong. In addition to being a Certified Nurse Midwife, Yeshi has a Masters degree in History and a Masters degree in Public Health. She is a regular speaker at national and international conferences. Yeshi is the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of four granddaughters, all of whom were born into her own hands.