ALPHA HEALTH - Key Persons

Ross Thompson M.Ost

Ross graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in June 2016, achieving a Masters of Osteopathy after 4 years of study. Ross was awarded the L.M Nadoo award for Practical Osteopathic Skills in his final year. Ross has always had an interest in biomechanics and how the body functions, and after visiting an Osteopath for multiple different injuries during his sporting career he decided Osteopathy was a good fit. Ross is registered with the General Osteopathic Council and is also qualified to provide kinesiology taping. Recently he has added Sports Trauma Management and Automated External Defibrillation qualifications to his skill set. Ross further developed his Osteopathic skills by treating at a number of specialist external clinics while studying. This allowed him to gain experience in the treatment and prevention of sports injuries, the treatment of patients who are HIV positive as well as providing treatment focused on musculoskeletal pains that develop with age.

Will Barker M.Ost

Will studied at the British School of Osteopathy, and graduated in June 2016 achieving a Masters in Osteopathy with distinction. He was awarded the J.K Hardy prize for his final year research project into the management of muscle soreness caused by exercise. Over the past 6 years in practise, Will has worked with patients suffering with a range of conditions from everyday aches, back and neck pain, through to sports injury and post-surgical rehabilitation. Will has a keen interest in treating Sports injuries. Currently, Will works with the English and British Karate Squads providing treatment and advice to the athletes as well providing immediate trauma care to athletes at national and international tournaments - most recently at the Junior European Championships in Budapest. He has also worked with Dartford Football Club (2018/2019 & 2019/2020 seasons) and with Welling United Football Club (2017/2018 season), leading the medical teams at both clubs. He is also a qualified Sports Massage Therapist, holds a certificate in Sports Trauma Management, and is an accredited advisor for the United Kingdom Anti-Doping (UKAD) agency.