Amelia Williams

Amelia is the Principal Arboricultural Consultant and Company Director of The Arboricultural Company which she founded in February 2020. She has over 20 years experience in Arboriculture and has previously run her own tree consultancy company earlier in her career and has gained a wide range of knowledge and experience in all her previous roles. She is also an assessor for the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) as well as an active member on various strategy task and finish groups of the ICF. She holds the following accreditations, memberships and qualifications relevant to arboriculture: Amelia started her arboricultural career in 2000 as a Tree Surveyor / Tree Officer for Test Valley Borough Council where she undertook the task of reviewing the status of all Tree Preservation Orders, including converting the paper based system to that of a computerised system on a GIS package. She also designed the access database to manage existing and new Tree Preservation Orders.