Harry Chilton - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
  • Member of the Leadership Team
Harry has spent over 15 years at Petredec, primarily in the trading and shipping department where he focused on supplying the Americas. He currently sits in the Onshore projects department overseeing Petredec's expansion into India, as well as heading up Supply to Petredec downstream. He is a Chartered Shipbroker having started his career at Clarksons.

Ian Mayers

Job Titles:
  • Chartered Professional Accountant
  • Finance Risk
With 20+ years of experience working within the Energy sector, Ian is a Chartered Professional Accountant who brings a wealth of knowledge in Oil, Gas and Financial Services to Carib LPG. His years of experience combined with his dedication to the industry enable him to continually develop the company's financial and risk management capabilities, while also taking responsibility for management of IT and administrative functions.

Joseph Lewis

Job Titles:
  • Trading
Joseph continues to strengthen the company's position within the LPG and Petroleum markets, exploring further opportunities for trading related Petroleum products. Prior to joining the Carib LPG team, he focused on developing relationships with counterparties in the Caribbean and Latin America for the trade and supply of Fuel Oil, Gasoline and Diesel.