FNQH - Key Persons


Dr Emma Ingram, who completed her medical training at The University of Queensland in 2007, has been working with FNQH for a number of years and particularly enjoys dermatology, women's health, emergency medicine and all aspects of general practice. Outside of medicine she has two young children and spends her spare time looking for missing school hats!


Dr Lars Schneider completed his medical degree at Griffith University on the Gold Coast, before moving up to Cairns to start as an intern at the Cairns Hospital. He qualified as a GP in 2019 and has been working as a dedicated skin cancer doctor since early 2019.


Dr Philip Hayden is an avid educator for the Skin Cancer College of Australasia and assists with training other doctors from around the country. He has a photographic memory and uses it wisely, keeping up to date with all of the upcoming technology as well as evidence-based best practice in skin cancer medicine and surgery.

Dr Ruchi Kulshrestha

Dr Ruchi Kulshrestha relocated to Cairns from the UK with her family, and loves the warm North Queensland weather and lifestyle. Dr Ruchi has interest in chronic disease management, lifestyle management including weight loss management and pain management, women's health, children's health, employment medicals and travel medicine. Dr Ruchi is also a GP Registrar supervisor with the James Cook University. In her spare time, Dr Ruchi enjoys sight seeing the Cairns region and travelling to new places.


CREDENTIALS: MBBS, MRCGP, FRACGP, Dip Dermatology (AID) Accredited skin cancer doctor and member (Skin Cancer College of Australasia) Dr Ruth Nimbargi, from Mumbai in India, obtained her undergraduate medical degree in South India and moved to the UK, where she lived for 11 years and completed her postgraduate studies in General Practice. She moved to Australia with her Melburnian husband in 2009 and worked as rural General Practitioner on King Island. She moved to Cairns in 2018. Her passion in skin cancer medicine and surgery began on King Island and over the next nine years she attended specialist courses and training towards this. She holds Advanced Certificates in skin cancer Medicine and surgery as well as dermoscopy from the Skin Cancer College of Australasia. She is currently pursuing her Fellowship with the SCCA. She also completed a Diploma in Dermatology through the Australian Institute of Dermatology in 2016. She has been with the FNQH skin cancer centre since September 2018.


Sebastian completed medical school at Bond University on the Gold Coast and undertook his residency years at Logan Hospital and Gold Coast University Hospital. He enjoys paediatrics having completed a Diploma in Child Health and as well as advanced skills in emergency having done a Certificate in Emergency Medicine. Sebastian completed his General Practice Fellowship in Queensland. Having first-hand experience of the high-incidence rates of skin cancer in his GP clinics gave him the platform to develop his Skin Cancer surgical skills. He joined the experienced team at FNQH in 2020 and is passionate about skin-cancer prevention and melanoma-community awareness. He is a member of the Skin Cancer College of Australasia and is currently undertaking further Skin Cancer Medicine courses to advance his skin-cancer training. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, playing basketball, cooking and learning the piano.

DR Sebastian Moss

Dr Sebastian Moss emigrated to Australia in 2015 and has been enjoying living in Cairns since January 2022. He is delighted to be here as he is passionate about skin cancer diagnosis and treatment, employing both surgical and non-surgical techniques. He is proud to have the opportunity to work with the resources available at FNQH. He also provides General Practice services (from the Northern Beaches branch only). He has an interest in management of diabetes, heart disease, and asthma, as well as sexual health including birth control and STD checks. He is happy to supply prescriptions for adult ADHD patients provided there is a written recommendation from a psychiatrist.

Dr Win Hein

Job Titles:
  • General Practitioner, Male, MBBS, FRACGP
Dr. Hein graduated from University of Medicine 1, Yangon, Myanmar. After graduation, Dr. Hein migrated to Australia and underwent vocational training at various hospitals , then completed general practice training in basic fellowship and advanced fellowship in rural GP. Additional qualifications: DCH (Diploma in child health, Westmead hospital, Sydney), Diploma in tropical medicine and hygiene, Grad. certificate in emergency medicine (ACEM). He is a regular attendant of scientific meetings by melanoma institute Australia (MIA) Australian Skin and Skin Cancer Research Center, SCCA, AID. He is also involved in teaching medical students from James Cook University in General Practice and also helping non-vocational registered GPs to complete their fellowships. He has more than 10 years of post graduate experience in medicine.

Trinity Beach

Led by local doctor Dr Vin Rajeswaran, an expert in his field who leads the training for Australia's largest skin cancer teaching clinic, the professional and friendly team at FNQH Skin Cancer Clinic Trinity Beach are dedicated to preventing, detecting, diagnosing, treating and removing skin cancers.