Mark H. Wombles

Mark H. Wombles started his culinary career at the age of 20 in Lexington, Kentucky. According to his parents, Mark possessed an interest in food at an early age, hence, he was always willing to sample new things without questioning. His journey began as a prep cook at the Merrick Inn, while continuing his job for 3 consecutive years. Due to his passion for cooking, Mark decided to further his education in culinary arts. San Francisco, California was his destination, where he received two years of training at the California Culinary Academy. While in San Francisco, Mark took advantage of dining in the many restaurants the city offered in order to organize his own ideas together with dreams of his own future restaurant. Furthermore, during the two years of schooling, Mark accepted a job at Aqua restaurant, where he worked with chef Michael Mina, winner of the 1996 James Beard Award. After finishing up school in California, Mark worked in various restaurants such as Maisonette in Cincinnati, Ohio; Jonathans at Gratz Park in Lexington, Kentucky; and Bistro La Belle in Midway, Kentucky. However, he wanted to broaden his horizons with his own style. Mark gives credit to his father and mother (Henry and Jeanne Wombles) and his wife, Kyla for helping him pursue his dream of Heirloom. The name "Heirloom" was selected from Mark's interest in heirloom produce, as well as inspired by the town of Midway due to the many antique stores offered. The name perfectly describes the beautiful, antique town. In order to live up to the name "Heirloom," countless hours of time and brainstorming were sacrificed by many. Mark is a perfectionist, therefore, he wanted his restaurant to be nothing less than perfection for the many guests welcomed. From Mark, Executive Chef Josh Fleischer, and the rest of the Heirloom staff, we hope you feel the warmth and enjoyment as well!