Updated 787 days ago
Green Gables 2023 dates available Welcoming reservations through 2025
What the facts do not show is who we are today and what we believe in. Although a focus on values should be and is a part of how we assess our business, the onset and continuance of the COVID-19 crisis has presented us with a unique test of those values. Our values will be judged by our clients, customers, and employees as well as history...
That is a long way of saying that who we are is not only about a history of which we are proud but is equally about what we believe and do today and especially what we do through adversity. We want our actions to show that we care, that we take our responsibilities to our clients and employees seriously, and that we are focused beyond ourselves...
We also understand that failure is a part of the human condition and we must be prepared to fail and to hear the painful truth when we do.
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