Updated 5 days ago
Marus Global Consulting (MGC) is an innovative multi-tasking company working in several areas of consulting. Our philosophy is reflected in the slogan - HIGH QUALITY. High quality is our marker, trend and main landmark. MGC's mission is to make clients' lives brighter, easier, and shorten the way from an idea to its realization as much as possible... Marus Global Consulting is an innovative company that provides an integrated approach to solving many problems. In particular, MGC provides consulting in the field of legal services, concierge services for foreigners, issues related to legalization, education, as well as brings to the market its own marriage agency Marus Marriage Agency and Marus Production. A separate business-line of the company is the communications department - Marus Communication, which main mission is to provide information support for the company's clients, provide marketing and PR services, image development, reputation risk adjustment and other services related..