André van Zijdveld - CCO, CFO

Job Titles:
  • CCO
  • CFO

Carl J.G. Evertsz

Before joining Medis' supervisory board in 2018, Carl Evertsz consulted Medis in the areas of business and corporate development and corporate finance. Carl has extensive experience founding, leading, and growing innovative medical imaging companies. He actively led international business, corporate and R&D developments, including M&A and technology acquisitions. Amongst others, he was CEO of MeVis Medical Solutions AG, which he led through a successful IPO in 2007, and CEO of MeVis BreastCare, a joint-venture with Siemens founded in 2001. As business angel he served 4 years at SCiLS GmbH as chairman of the advisory board and since 2014 at ScreenPoint Medical B.V. as a non-executive member of the board of directors.

Dharminder Chahal

Job Titles:
  • Owner and Managing Director of Exponential B.V
Dharminder Chahal is owner and managing director of Exponential B.V. in which capacity he acts as consultant to Van Herk Investments and companies in the Van Herk Investments portfolio. Furthermore he is CEO and co-founder of SkylineDx a company based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and developing diagnostic tests in oncology. Mr. Chahal has built an extensive network in the global life science industry and created a strong track record in supporting successful companies in their journeys. Currently the main investments in the portfolio are Galapagos, Zealand Pharma (Denmark) and BioInvent (Sweden). As a board member or advisor he has been and still is active for several European companies and funds in the field of life sciences. Mr. Chahal previously held various positions in investment banking and asset management, including Kempen & Co and Robeco. Mr. Chahal obtained a master degree in Business Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and a master degree cum laude in Aerospace Engineering (TU Delft).

Maya Barley - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Maya joined Medis in early 2023 as Chief Product Officer and is appointed CEO as of August 2023. She brings over 15 years' experience in leadership, product management and innovation positions across a broad range of companies in the medical device space including Philips, Keeler, and LumiraDx. Maya is passionate about working at the clinical-technical-business interface, understanding workflows and trends, and using those insights to drive healthcare business strategy, product development, and clinical studies in multi-national environments. She has a PhD from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology and an MSc in Electrical Engineering from MIT.

Pieter de Wit

In various international roles, Pieter fosters the development of small and medium-sized businesses and scale-ups. Currently, Pieter is CFO at DPD Belgium and Luxemburg, which is doubling its revenues in three years and investing more than 60m in its infrastructure. At TNT, Pieter has also been responsible for the venture capital activities, holding various board roles in Europe and the US. Other past management roles include CEO of TNT Innight as well as director planning and control of TNT Group. As a consultant, Pieter has extensive experience in corporate strategy and M&A, among others at McKinsey & Co and Kempen &Co. He lectures on financial topics, e.g., in corporate valuation at the Rotterdam School of Management.