Cathy Stiles

Job Titles:
  • Elected Director
Cathy Stiles is one of the newest NEA board members. She moved from the Seattle area and made King Salmon her home December 2020. Cathy has a strong background in non-profits with volunteer and project coordination. Presently, she works for TSA; so if you fly, you will see her smiling face. When she applied to be on the Board, she expressed her main reason was so she could serve her community. She feels very strongly that the strength of a community is its people and their willingness to help one another.

Lisa Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Elected Director
  • CCD Certified Director
Lisa Anderson is a CCD Certified Director and has served the cooperative since 2015. She is a 4th Generation Resident of the community and appreciates the experience she has gained from her years of service. She believes her experience makes her a good candidate to continue to oversee the current changes of the organization and feels that working toward new goals will increase avenues for improvement that will serve the community well into the future.

Nanci Lyon

Job Titles:
  • Elected Director
  • CCD Certified Director
Nanci Lyon is a CCD certified Director and has served the cooperative since 2008. She currently acts as the President of the Board of Directors and has been humbled by all of the support she has received in her years of service. If it is the wishes of the membership, she would like to continue to serve the community in this capacity. If reelected it is her pledge to do her best to protect the interests of Naknek Electric Association and its members.

Tim McDermott

Job Titles:
  • Elected Director
Tim McDermott has been a resident of the community since the 1970's and currently serves as the Facilities & Maintenance Coordinator for Lake & Peninsula School District. He is a CCD Certified Director and has served the cooperative since 2015. He believes his regional operations experience and project management skills contribute to the transparency and integrity of the organization as the cooperative continues its efforts to perform as a value added asset in the community.