Mrs. Joyce Raradza

Mrs. Joyce Raradza "a woman of legacy", a beloved soul that went by many names Mai Raradza, Mama, Ambuya, Shamwari, director… among many more. What she was best known for in life was for being a generous person who gave her time, knowledge, energy, and money. She imparted the gift of knowledge to hundreds of children that went through Pamavambo infants and primary school that she founded in 2012. She loved her community and always opened her heart and home to anyone in need. She put others first and always had time to impart wisdom and encouragement with each interaction. Pamavambo infants and primary school represent her love for providing top-quality education for children and creating employment for her community. These borrowed words sum up the life she lived "A woman for all times and seasons, for all people, and for all occasions. She is God's shining light, in the darkness".