Kristen West

Kristen began her skin & beauty career in 2006 and has made cosmetic and paramedical tattooing her focal point since 2016. She is not only known for her scalp micropigmentation services but also for being the leading cosmetic tattoo artist in South Georgia and North Florida. In addition, Kristen has had extensive one on one training with two of the scalp micropigmentation industry's leading trainers in Houston, Texas and Orlando, Florida. She is a self proclaimed perfectionist and is a firm believer in the importance of continuing education to be able to provide her clients with the best techniques available. She has worked closely with several area plastic surgery offices and general physicians providing paramedical tattooing in the form of areola restorative tattooing (for breast cancer patients) as well as scalp micropigmentation. These life changing services are her passion! Originally from Chicago, she began her career in northern Iowa and has lived in Thomasville, Georgia since 2017 with her dog, cat, and two horses.