Brad Vincent

Job Titles:
Brad has been providing advice to directors of companies in financial distress for 10 years. Brad will probably be your initial contact at TaxDebtSolutions and you will he has the ability to quickly grasp the situation you face and can quickly point you in the right direction. After 10 years of being an advisor, Brad has developed an excellent understanding of the legal and practical issues facing a director of an insolvent company - it is rare for a director to throw a new situation at Brad. You will find him understanding and sympathetic, but above all practical. Brad will provide the cool head in a stressful situation.

Cliff Sanderson

Job Titles:
  • Corporate Restructuring Specialist
Cliff is a corporate restructuring specialist with over 30 years of experience in Australia and internationally. He is the founder of Insolvency Solutions Group. He was a Partner of Ernst & Young for 10 years. Cliff has undertaken numerous assignments to negotiate payment plans with the ATO, disputed Director Penalty Notices and facilitated the significant reduction in tax debts by using the Voluntary Administration process.

Rod Grosvenor

Job Titles:
  • Chartered Accountant, Registered Tax Agent, Member National Tax & Accountants' Association
Rod has over 30 years of experience as a Chartered Accountant in public practice. His experience ranges from large corporate audits in a first tier firm to business advice to SME's in small to mid tier firms. For the last 15 years, Rod has specialised in tax advice to SMEs.