YPRIME - Key Persons

Aubrey Llanes

Job Titles:
  • Product Director, ECOA
Technology-driven tools that transform clinical research are key to enhancing clinical trial efficiency, protecting data integrity and helping to bring new therapies to market faster. The use of patient-centric technology, such as electronic clinical outcome assessment (eCOA) tools are an important building block for collecting more reliable endpoint data. Although the benefits are clear, introducing new technology to sites and patients can create additional challenges that can be minimized if anticipated and addressed early in the study planning process. The first step in improving the clinical research experience for both sites and patients is by reducing the burden on them-minimizing logistical challenges, designing an intuitive user experience, and ensuring these data capture devices are easily integrated into busy lives. Another crucial element to improving the clinical research experience is by anticipating, developing, and implementing comprehensive end-user support that will be needed throughout the study. Throughout the process of evaluating and selecting a technology partner, and then implementing an eCOA platform, sponsors can sometimes miss an important opportunity to implement a comprehensive end-user support plan. We often think of end-user support as a 24/7 helpdesk. By taking a more holistic approach to end-user education and support, we can significantly reduce frustration among sites and patients-frustration that could jeopardize data quality, site satisfaction, patient compliance, patient retention, and, ultimately, on-time completion of the study. "Educated end-users always produce better outcomes," said Michael Hughes, Senior Vice President, Product Development.

Ryan Ridge

Job Titles:
  • Senior Portfolio Director
As the COVID-19 pandemic remains a challenge in the clinical research space, YPrime continues to look for ways to do our part innovating and expediting the current clinical technology paradigm. Experts in the Interactive Response Technology (IRT) space have continued to argue that patient randomization and clinical trial supply management are not commodities, therefore, neither is the software used to manage it. Never-the-less, we are often asked what we do to differentiate ourselves in a crowded marketplace. While there are many features and benefits that we can talk about, perhaps the most important differentiator is our ability to deploy, as rapidly as possible, full feature protocol tailored IRT systems while maintaining high quality. Recently, a long-time customer came to YPrime with the goal of building an IRT system with a healthy lead time before patient enrollment in a clinical study to test an investigational vaccine for COVID-19, YPrime quickly assembled a proposal to support the accelerated enrollment timelines. We took the challenge to our internal teams to determine if there was anything we could do to pull in the proposed dates; considering the amount of work required on the project, I must admit I was hesitant. The YPrime team and the Sponsor engaged in collaborative discussions regarding the scope required. Having a partner that is willing to respect you as the expert and meet you halfway to problem solve proved to be a very important piece in the puzzle. With a more targeted scope, support from cross functional teams, and a passion to address the COVID-19 virus, YPrime created a plan to get the system delivered to meet the timelines.