Newell Eaton

For the past 40 years, leaders have sought out Newell for his innovative and responsive approach to facilitating intentional change. He is best known for his capacity to facilitate creative engaging conversations that produce the results you ask for. He has helped many large and small groups identify, plan and achieve their project goals in a wide diversity of complex and challenging situations. Prior to developing his private practice, Newell was Director of Strategic Planning for New York State's Office and Children and Family Services, a $4.6 billion enterprise with over 4000 employees. In that role he designed and coordinated the agency's strategic planning process and was the architect of many cross-systems collaborations at the state and local level. He was able demonstrate that sustained change can even happen in the public sector. Prior to his public service career he led three community-based organizations and created two design businesses using cardboard to create furniture for young children and frequent movers. As a creative change facilitator Newell has delivered thousands of hours facilitating meetings of diverse groups, often on topics for which he had no prior content knowledge. Meeting participants have included business leaders, engineers, research scientists, technicians, bankers, college profs, librarians, school teachers, MDs and nurses, elected and appointed governmental officials, civil servants, union leaders, citizens/taxpayers, neighbors, parents, adolescents, teachers, clergy, homeless people, and lawyers. Newell is a certified master NLP practitioner and received his formal coaching training from the Institute for Generative Leadership. He is a member of the Creative Education Foundation, International Association of Facilitators, International Coaching Federation, and the Hudson-Mohawk Chapter of Association for Training & Development. He is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the applied social sciences.