ATR THRIVE - Key Persons

Brenda McNaughton

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, Administration
Brenda has worked for the past 17 years for CheezSorce, LLC & Sanitary Design Industries, LLC and presently ATR Thrive, LLC. as an executive assistant alongside recognized expert Neville McNaughton in cheesemaking, dairy food processing and dairy facility and system design. She has worked with hundreds of dairy farmers and has years of experience working with farmers in the dairy industry.

Dairy Farmer

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director, General Manager, Speaker

Dr. Marie Limoges

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, CPO
Dr. Marie Limoges (PhD, RDN) is a Food Microbiologist and licensed Dietitian by training. She has 9 years of food industry experience within startup and corporate spaces, and outpatient health care experience. Marie is knowledgeable of food/beverage manufacturing, food retail/e-commerce concepts, franchising/partnerships, research and development, risk assessment, statistical data analysis, business development, account management, procurement, and category management. Marie's interests and career ambitions stem from a passion for biochemistry, nutrition, mathematics, and business development. She enjoys working cross functionally with others and is a firm believer of lifelong learning.

Jo Gaul

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, Applications
Jo has partnered with several animal health corporates and commercial suppliers to develop and enhance farm programs and practices, for cattle health & wellness, preventative health care, innovative calf rearing programs and protocols, growth and development of replacement animals, vaccination programs, breeding and synchronies, and comprehensive animal health programs for all classes of cattle. She is experienced in laboratory design, setup and use for on-farm diagnostics, training interns, lab assistants and more. Jo has participated in several research projects with University of Missouri, and associated speaking engagements.She has a deep working knowledge of calf rearing, animal husbandry, care, growth and development, and young stock nutrition across various farming models:- conventional dairying, pasture based dairying, beef cattle, equine, and hybrid farming models.

Neville McNaughton - CSO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • CSO
Neville McNaughton is a recognized expert in cheese making, dairy foods processing, and dairy system design. He brings 40+ years of formal education in cheese technology and hands-on cheese making to the artisanal cheese industry.Based on his own cheese making experience, McNaughton is a passionate educator and has taught regularly at the Vermont Institute of Artisan Cheese, The University of Wisconsin River Falls, and for Pennsylvania Sustainable Agriculture. He has lectured nationally and presented papers on cheese making, cheese cultures and cheese making technology.McNaughton's cheese making career began with milking cows on his family's small New Zealand dairy farm. His father was a director of the local dairy factory and a founding director of Southland Laboratories which was started to strengthen performance of the region's small cheese plants.

Peter Gaul

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Co - Founder, Operations
Peter is an experienced Consultant, Dairy Farmer, Executive Director, General Manager, Speaker/Trainer with a demonstrated history of innovation in dairy farming and the dairy industry, business creation, and project management.