Dr. Chaneve Jeanniton

A board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeanniton believes that beauty lies in the details - of our individual characteristics and expressions. She also believes in the veracity of science, data and research. The intersection of these principles underpins her dedication to holistically maintaining and celebrating your features at her boutique Brooklyn, New York, practice. Taking into consideration your aesthetic vision, as well as the specific Surface, Shape and Structureâ„¢ of your face, she prescribes efficacious services and cosmetic procedures - ranging from eyelid surgeries to non-surgical therapies to integrated Signature Face & Eye Treatments - that stay true to your anatomy and leverage your body's own regenerative capabilities. As a female physician, Dr. Jeanniton has experienced many of the services she offers and directly relates to her patients' concerns. She understands that facial refinement is a deeply personal journey that continues long after you've left her practice, and she aims to be with you every step of the way. Accordingly, Dr. Jeanniton created epi.logic skincare, which complements Brooklyn Face & Eye's services and addresses patient requests for a simple, yet effective daily skincare regimen. Her commitment to her patients also motivates her ongoing education, which includes attending leading domestic and international conferences to stay abreast of the latest industry technologies and techniques.