Carlos Andrés Núñez Arguello

Job Titles:
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Associate Investigator
Carlos Andrés Núñez Arguello is an Agricultural Engineer. He graduated from the National University of Asunción and has a master's degree in agribusiness from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has worked with grass-fed beef production systems and conducted research on the economic risk associated with climate change and climate variability in pastoral dairy systems in Australia. He currently works as technical manager for CEA Paraguay.

Carlos Javier Villalba Martínez

Job Titles:
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Associate Investigator
Carlos Javier Villalba Martínez is an Agricultural Engineer with extensive knowledge of silvopastoral systems. He is a specialist in Research Methodology. He holds an M.Sc. from the Colegio de Postgraduados in Mexico. He is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain and is a PRONII Researcher in Paraguay. Finally, he works as a Research Professor at the National University of Caaguazú and advises several ranch enterprises.

Dr. Andrés Camps

Job Titles:
  • Associate Investigator
Gonzalo Andrés Camps holds a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Córdoba, Argentina. He is a specialist in advanced statistics and modeling. Andrés uses these methods, along with GIS and remote sensing to understand biodiversity in mixed production and conservation landscapes.

Dr. Norman Breuer

Job Titles:
  • Owner
  • Principal Consultant
  • Consulting
Norman Breuer is an interdisciplinary agricultural and livestock systems ecologist and agronomist with a focus on adaptation to climate variability and global change through increased resilience in complex human-ecological systems. He is interested in the human dimensions in sustainable productive landscapes and co-management of forests, water resources and other natural areas, and sees biodiversity conservation as a means of support for the economy and society. He strongly believes that sustainable intensification with respect for animal welfare leads to higher yields and production that is more efficient per land unit area. He has consulted and worked across academia, and the public, private, and civil society sector on two continents. This lifetime experience has provided him with a unique outlook and skills for operational ranch, farm, and environmental management, research, policy formulation, teaching, and consulting in sustainable livestock, agricultural, and other natural resource, urban, and industrial systems. He has been a researcher at the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Florida and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Miami. He currently holds an Associate Research Professor position at the Center for Appropriate Technology of the School of Science and Technology at the Catholic University, Asunción, Paraguay. He is a PRONII researcher. As such, he is a member of the National Commission of Climate Change of Paraguay. He has published extensively in the scientific literature and was part of a team that co-developed the AgroClimate decision support system.

Dra. Alicia Eisenkölbl

Job Titles:
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Associate Investigator
Alicia Eisenkölbl is an Agricultural Engineer and a Doctor in Environmental Management. She is a Categorized Researcher by PRONII-CONACYT and Executive Director of the PROCOSARA association.

Dra. Luisa Cáceres

Job Titles:
  • Associate Investigator
Luisa Cáceres earned her degree in Veterinary Medicine from the FCV-UNA, Paraguay. She has a M.Sc. in Livestock Innovation from the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, México and works in the areas of greenhouse gas emission, mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Max Pastén

Job Titles:
  • Associate Investigator
Max Pastén studied Meteorology, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, and is currently a Professor at the Polytechnic Faculty, UNA. He teaches statistical methods and climatology within the atmospheric sciences career path. Since 1993, he has worked at the Bureau of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) where he has held various positions, including Head of the Department of Climatology and currently, Head of Hydrological Forecasts.