INSURESOFT - History of Changes

2024-03-16 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2023-06-15 delete cio Manny Aparicio
2023-06-15 delete otherexecutives Joe Fendley
2023-06-15 insert general_emails
2023-06-15 insert vpsales Rob Copenhaver
2023-06-15 delete address 2500 Bond Street, University Park, IL 60484
2023-06-15 delete person Aimee Henderson
2023-06-15 delete person Allen Rice
2023-06-15 delete person Cissy Dover-Hill
2023-06-15 delete person Kenny Yarnell
2023-06-15 delete person Wade Gamble
2023-06-15 delete phone (866) 299-1314
2023-06-15 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2023-06-15 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2023-06-15 insert casestudy_pages_linkeddomain
2023-06-15 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-06-15 insert email
2023-06-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2023-06-15 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2023-06-15 insert person Diana Salah Eldin
2023-06-15 insert person Rob Copenhaver
2023-06-15 insert service_pages_linkeddomain
2023-06-15 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2023-06-15 update person_description Manny Aparicio => Manny Aparicio
2023-06-15 update person_description Nancy Schulte => Nancy Schulte
2023-06-15 update person_title Chris Blair: Vice President, Implementation => Vice President, Implementation Services
2023-06-15 update person_title Joe Fendley: Vice President, Technology => Vice President, Product Architecture and Technology
2023-06-15 update person_title Manny Aparicio: Director of IT => Director, Cloud Architecture and Services
2023-06-15 update website_status FailedRobotsLimitReached => OK
2023-04-10 update website_status FailedRobots => FailedRobotsLimitReached
2023-02-19 update website_status IndexPageFetchError => FailedRobots
2023-01-18 update website_status FailedRobots => IndexPageFetchError
2022-11-29 update website_status OK => FailedRobots
2022-06-23 insert cio Manny Aparicio
2022-06-23 insert coo Nancy Schulte
2022-06-23 insert person Manny Aparicio
2022-06-23 update person_title Allen Rice: Product Group Development Manager => Research & Development Manager
2022-06-23 update person_title Nancy Schulte: Vice President, Client Care => Chief Operations Officer
2022-06-23 update person_title Ronnie Moorehead: Development Manager; Developer => Associate Director, Software Development; Developer