Gary Sipos

Gary Sipos is a nationally-recognized financial educator, author, speaker, financial planner, and Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Gary is a best-selling author of College Cash Solutions and Financial Secrets from Stanford's Hoover Tower, The 15 Biggest Tax Mistakes Costing Business Owners Millions, co-author of Masters of Success with Best Selling Author and Legendary Business Trainer, Brian Tracy. He is a featured guest on radio and TV, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox.

Tim Kao

Job Titles:
  • Certified Financial Planner
Tim has spent the last 16 years in maximizing and protecting the wealth of his client. He is a graduate from UC San Diego in Quantitative Economics and is a CFP®. He has dedicated his life to helping other through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, American Red Cross and the Bay Area Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Tim and his wife, Demi live in Dublin, Ca with their 2 daughters and the family cat.