ADVOCATE - Key Persons

Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf

Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf - If you are not part of the legal fraternity (paralegal, attorney or advocate), Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf is a lawyer, more specific an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa, or, as sometimes referred by others, as a Barrister. He was admitted as an advocate and practised as such for almost 20 years. Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf was the advocate who won a groundbreaking case for his client. Because of this case, it is now possible to claim maintenance from paternal grandparents of children born out of wedlock. This was not possible for over 80 years. The relevant case is Petersen v Maintenance Officer Simon's Town Maintenance Court and Others 2004 2 SA 56 (C) 381 Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf was an Advocate in an important constitutional case. This was where the Cape High Court confirmed the extensive powers of the Maintenance Court, which includes interdicting pension funds. The relevant case is Soller v Maintenance Magistrate, Wynberg and Others 2006 2 SA 66 (C) 2006 446. Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf is a Trust Account Advocate. He may take instructions directly from the public. Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf's legal experiences range from Magistrates Court, Civil, Criminal, and maintenance and Domestic Violence matters, to High Court Litigation. For this reason, he applied in practice, various laws which include amongst others, family, commercial, constitutional, delictual, contractual and criminal. In conclusion, he is the right man for the job.