Amy Rogers

Job Titles:
  • Registrar and OCC Coordinator

Ana Roye

Job Titles:
  • Director of Enrollment Management

Carey Clark

Job Titles:
  • Admission and Financial Aid Associate

Charlie Woodward

"This goes beyond grades, scores, or college admissions - all of which are important," Woodward said. "For me, it's a matter of trying to live up to the call of the Golden Rule, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you,' and the command to love my neighbor as myself. Although he teaches the same subject several times a day, Woodward says the students make every class different. "Each group has a distinct personality and interests that inevitably makes some topics more compelling than others," Woodward says. "In a broad sense, I want my students to learn to think more deeply about the world they live in and how it has developed, so I try to challenge some of their assumptions as we go along.

Connie Mikesell

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Director of Admission

Dr. James Ryan

Job Titles:
  • Greenville Anesthesiologist
Greenville anesthesiologist Dr. James Ryan '00 chose medicine because it's the "perfect combination of intellectualism and altruism," he says. Dr. James Ryan is always the first to give credit where credit is due. He says CCES gave him the foundation for college, medical school, and a career as an anesthesiologist.

Kate Furman

Kate Furman's '04 jewelry studio in downtown Greenville is full of pieces of artwork -- her own creations. Searching for jewels and metals in places like Jackson Hole and the Chattooga River, Kate seeks materials that tell stories. She then takes those jewels and metals and crafts necklaces, bracelets, and other types of jewelry.

Leigh Johnstone

Job Titles:
  • Director of Admission

McCall Field House

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant

Mr. Jason Sippey

Job Titles:
  • Vice - Chair

Mr. Jordan Lea - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman

Mrs. Katie S. Howell

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Russell Shelley

Job Titles:
  • CCES English Teacher
CCES English teacher Russell Shelley says that most students likely remember him for the essays they write in class. "They often joke about my ‘red pen,'" Shelley says, "but it is in the best of nature." But Mr. Shelley wasn't always a teacher! Although Shelley has been teaching at CCES since 2002, his journey to the head of the classroom began somewhere you might not expect: in the business world. While he majored in business in college, it took Shelley only two years to find out that business was not a field he wanted to build a career in. "It left me unfulfilled professionally and spiritually," he said. What actually did bring Shelley joy was coaching soccer -- a passion he enjoyed while still working in his business career -- and literature. "I then decided that I would take my love of literature and teaching kids and combine them," Shelley said. "I started to pursue additional degrees to become an English teacher."