Updated 34 days ago
275 Sunset Drive, Dousman, WI 53118
The Grand Chapter is the highest source of authority in Capitular Masonry in Wisconsin, subject to ancient landmarks, its Constitution, and the lawful jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. The Grand Chapter has sole government and superintendence of the several Chapters of Royal Arch Masons within the State of Wisconsin, with authority to settle any controversies that many arise between them, to assign their limits, prescribe laws and regulations for their government, to review, confirm or annul their decisions... To be a preeminent body of Freemasonry by providing knowledge, skills, fraternity and quality services to our members. To be the premiere choice of Masons seeking further light and complete their Ancient Craft Masonry Degrees, thereby contributing to the strength and vision of Freemasonry. Royal Arch Masonry, in Wisconsin, shall accomplish this by creating a growing, active, relevant organization of great appeal that is well known and respected.....