MEOR BOSTON - Key Persons

Daniel Lazarev

Daniel was born in Holon, Israel, and moved to Toronto, Canada when he was young. He majored in math and physics at Yeshiva University, and is currently a PhD student in mathematics at MIT and a medical student at Stony Brook University. Last year, he founded a nonprofit, Kochvei HaShamayim to help young Jewish couples balance family life with their early career and advanced education. In his spare time, he likes to play basketball, kayak, and go out on family trips.

Gabbi Kobre

Job Titles:
  • Director of the Infinite Wellness Program
Born and raised in NYC, Gabbi never thought she'd leave. She went to Israel to complete a program in advanced Jewish Education and Teachers Certification. Upon returning home, Gabbi completed a Dental Hygiene Degree and worked in practice for 7 years. Seven years and two kids later, her interest in dentistry morphed into a love for wellness and a Mind, Body, Soul approach to healing. Gabbi and her family said goodbye to New York City, and Boston has been their new home. They live right on campus here at Boston University. Gabbi am passionate about supporting the Jewish students through her interest in wellness and background as a RDH and Certified Personal Trainer. At home, you'd find her with her three girls or reading the latest wellness trends, running sprint intervals, or in the kitchen exploring new creative recipes to nourish the mind, body, soul!

Jessica Lazarev

Jessica is a native of Newton, MA and attended public school her first half of high school until she was introduced to Judaism from a different light. Mid high school she decided to transfer to the local modern orthodox day school, and changed her life around. She subsequently got her BA in Speech Pathology and Audiology at Stern College for Women and received her MBA with a focus in healthcare administration from Touro College. She previously worked in the corporate world and felt out of place. Her love for Judaism only kept growing so when the opportunity came to also work with students interested in learning and growing in their Judaism, it was a no brainer for her to join the team! She could not be happier with her day-to-day life because she is living a life full of meaning and purpose.

Rabbi Avrohom Loketch

Job Titles:
  • Rabbi
  • Regional Director
Rabbi Loketch was born and raised in upstate NY. He went to college for Business, Finance, and majored in Accounting. He always thought he would work as an accountant at his father's firm in Manhattan. But after learning in some of the top institutions in Israel and receiving 3 Rabbinical Ordinations from the High Court of Jerusalem, Rabbi Loketch and his wife, Suri, were ready to spread the beauty and wisdom of Judaism to students in Boston. For the past 17 years, Rabbi Loketch has created meaningful relationships with students on campus and for many years after they leave. Rabbi Loketch enjoys time with his family, running & traveling with students around the world, to Israel, South Africa, Argentina, Panama & more!

Rabbi Yoni Ganger

Job Titles:
  • Rabbi
  • Regional Manager & Human Resources
After graduating from Washington University in St. Louis with a degree in Philosophy- Neuroscience - Psychology and Spanish, he deferred medical school to explore Judaism for two years in Israel. This led to a profound personal realization that he preferred to help others rediscover their rich Jewish identity, as opposed to healing their bodies. Rabbi Ganger spent the next seven years learning from some of the best scholars in Israel. He studied Talmud at the Mir yeshiva and received his Rabbinical ordination from the prestigious Jerusalem Kollel. Aside from interests in Judaism, Rabbi Ganger is a former tennis instructor. Please don't hesitate to schedule him for some time either on or off the court.