OLD WORLD - Key Persons

Josef Bischof

Josef Bischof immigrated to the United States in 1952 as a tailor. He planned to stay for two years….. 70 years later, he is still here living out the American dream. Josef met his sweetheart (soon-to-be wife) Dolores in Hollywood at a German center, and they were married in 1955. They bought a small house and transformed it into a home. While Josef worked as a tailor at the famous designer studio Irene's, he began to buy houses to fix up & then flip the property. Inspired by the construction of "Ports of Call" built on the English seaside, Josef decided to honor his own German heritage and recruited investors for the project. Then in 1964, Alpine Village in Torrance, CA was built. Josef's dream expanded in the 70s after finding acreage in Huntington Beach, CA. Together with his wife Dolores, they built 50 shops in the traditional Bavarian style. Sadly, Dolores passed away in September 2010. However, Josef (AKA Joe) is surrounded by a loving family: Daughter and son-in-law Cyndie & Jason Kasko, son and daughter-in-law Bernie & Barbara Bischof, plus four grandchildren: Markus, Matthaeus, Ronin, and Ava. Unfortunately, beloved Barbara Bischof passed away in 2017.