Jack McKeon - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
Jack McKeon, currently a junior, is the Chief Executive Officer of Politicized News. Having previously worked as Editor-in-Chief, a writer, and column editor, Jack began his career at Politicized in August of 2020, shortly after the company finalized a reorganization. In his free time, Jack enjoys playing piano and guitar, reading America's founding documents, and keeping up to date with U.S. and global politics and news. The main reason why he applied to Politicized News is because he enjoyed their non-partisan, objective, and consistent breaking news articles and stories. Jack believed he could contribute to the company, so he successfully applied and joined the team. He remains a motivated writer and editor, publishing articles varying from Domestic News to Foreign Affairs and Op-Eds.

João Vitor Bonfim

Job Titles:
  • Foreign Affairs Writer
João Vitor "John" Bonfim is a 20 year old brazilian, passionate about politics, economics and geopolitics. Born and raised in Teresina, he starter learning english since a little kid and was an exchange student in the US during 2018/2019. John is currently pursuing his major in Economics and by joining Politicized News he hopes to start his career by working with a great group of young minds that share interests in common and want to do their part in making the world a better place

Logan Kelsch

Job Titles:
  • Foreign Affairs Editor
Logan Kelsch is 20 years old and currently live in Riverton, Utah, near Salt Lake City. Logan is very interested in American politics, and in the future, would love to get involved in the political process and work to give back power to the American people and ensure that government fulfills its responsibilities in an effective and limited manner. In his free time, he loves to go snowboarding, boating, shooting at the range, camping and anything else outdoors. He considers it an honor to be able to write for Politicized and he cannot wait to bring you all the best and most reliable articles around!

Max Garely

Job Titles:
  • Domestic Affairs Writer
Max Garely began contributing to Politicized News in March of 2022. Max is a junior at Rye High School, and he lives in Rye, New York. In his spare time, he lifts weights, cycles competitively, and spends time with friends and family. Max also enjoys doing charity work and working on his own non profit, called Cycle of Success. Max developed an interest for politics and global affairs at an early age, and joined Politicized News to aid in fighting the misinformation and bias that has grown ever more present in today's news media.

Peyton Holden

Job Titles:
  • Domestic Affairs Writer
Peyton Holden is a college sophomore majoring in History and Secondary Education, with a minor in Political Science. Some of his hobbies include soccer, debate, and Foreign policy. Peyton is thrilled to join the Politicized News team as a journalist, primarily focusing on international news.

Rob Wan

Job Titles:
  • Foreign Affairs Writer
Rob was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, and grew up in Chengdu, Szechuan and Toronto, Ontario. Currently finishing a Major in Computer Science, one look at his bookshelf and YouTube "Watch Later" playlist will tell you his real interests lie in the Political Science minor he is pursuing along side his degree. His love for history and political science came from a young age, when he used to read newspapers and magazines about world affairs. He seeks to revive and restore the time honored tradition of the humble newspaper politics column. In doing so, he hopes to be a better writer, and inform his readers in a more concise, brief, and boiled down manner. With the in polarization and political radicalization in the last decade, Rob believes only organizations like PoliticizedNews, by providing quick and easy unbiased news, can truly "bridge the gap" and solve the issue at hand.

Rohan Athavale

Job Titles:
  • Editor - in - Chief
Rohan Athavale was born in Detroit, Michigan, and is currently a junior in high school in Ohio. Outside of school and Politicized News, Rohan likes to play tennis, compete in Speech and Debate tournaments, and do research on and volunteer with political campaigns. He is massively interested in politics, economics, and foreign policy, but is upset by the fact that an unbiased media is seldom found. Because of this, Rohan is extremely enthusiastic and excited to be the Editor-in-Chief at Politicized News. He believes that Politicized News allows for people to receive current and relevant news, while still being aware about various topics such as domestic affairs, foreign affairs, and elections. In the future, Rohan plans to dive deeper into politics, and explore a career in economics and foreign policy.

Sebastian Strawser

Job Titles:
  • Domestic Affairs Writer
Sebastian Strawser is a sophomore studying public policy at Stanford University. Sebastian hopes to pursue Law School after his undergraduate career. He has a passion for current events-satire, commentary, and writing-and loves honest discussion as well. Sebastian is excited to be working as a domestic writer for Politicized News so he can cover matters over his home state of California and elsewhere around the country.

Xavier Wisniewski

Job Titles:
  • Domestic Affairs Editor
Xavier Wisniewski is a student at Dublin Jerome High School in Ohio. Xavier loves following and discussing current events with an honest basis, and that's why he is excited to work here for Politicized News to fight misinformation! Xavier writes mostly domestic articles, as he has a particular passion and interest for those issues as a U.S. citizen.