STATBID - Key Persons

Amy Sams

Job Titles:
  • Director of SEM
Amy transitioned a fascination with science and communication into a career sharing understanding of tools and systems. She manages PPC accounts for e-commerce clients, ensuring systems behave and humans understand what the machines are doing. Amy's time away from work is spent covered in mud at her wheel, enjoying nature, or nerding out with friends and family.

Andrew Flicker

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Operations
Andrew started his career in eCommerce selling door knobs over the phone, and after fifteen years in the industry, he has helped to start or run more than 20 eCommerce sites and served roles across marketing, content creation, team leadership, sales, pricing, and logistics. He brings his accumulated eCommerce experience to his role as our Vice President of Operations, where he is responsible for upholding the values and profitability of StatBid, and drives the continued growth and happiness of our team. On his own time, he's usually working on his chess game, crafting custom cocktails, or hiking around New York state.

Jaret Keniston

Job Titles:
  • Director of Data Science & Analytics
Jaret is a statistician (MS in Statistics) turned ecommerce data scientist who oversees the testing and measurement strategies at StatBid. He uses his background in data analysis and modeling to design reporting, bidding, and testing programs for StatBid's clients, with a heightened focus on producing insights around attribution and incrementality. When he's not wrapping his head around ecom data, he's probably nerding out about baseball, music, or comedy podcasts.

Jason Zimelman

Job Titles:
  • Director, SEO and Content Marketing
Jason's passion for writing and statistics materialized into a career in SEO. An agency veteran with experience leading SEO departments, his entrepreneurial mindset and industry relationships led him to StatBid to build out the agency's SEO division. When he's not optimizing websites, Jason is spending time with his family of 5 and 2 dogs and rooting for his Boston sports teams (and Tom Brady).

Kent Jason Emmanuel Escala

Job Titles:
  • Account Specialist
Kent studied Chemical Engineering but found his way into the virtual industry as an SEO support specialist for StatBid. He is passionate about his work, and he loves to explore and learn new things. In his free time, he usually plays video games and enjoys watching sitcoms (especially Friends).

Marlyn Camte-Cadaweng

Job Titles:
  • Nurse
  • Support Team Manager
Marlyn is a nurse by profession but accidentally found her path working online 5 years ago and has never looked back. She is currently helping out a little bit with Google and Facebook Ads which opened a whole new world for her and enjoying the process of enriching her knowledge and learning more.

Mike Jelley

Job Titles:
  • Data Scientist
Mike digs into data for Statbid, and has done so for a UK Govt Quango, youth orgs, ultra-competitive commercial environments and more. He has many interests including sci-fi/fantasy, THFC, writing hobby fiction, etc. Mike has a wife, a toddler, 2 dogs and 3 cats.

Roy Steves - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Co - Founder
Roy studied computer graphics and animation, but found his stride in eCommerce as a web developer, and migrated to marketing through automation and analysis. Outside of StatBid, he's a hiker, amateur astronomer, hobbyist sci-fi author, litter collector, and a huge fan of

Shilo Jones - CFO, COO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CFO
  • Co - Founder
  • COO
Shilo began his entrepreneurial career building a Web development company in the mid 90s and made the transition to e-commerce in 2001 where he helped grow companies in the sporting goods and home furnishings industries. Shilo has a passion for entrepreneurship and creating values-driven teams that love working together and are driven to continually improve.

Stephen Mahlum

Job Titles:
  • Senior Account Manager
Stephen gains satisfaction from helping to build businesses. In SEM, he focuses on understanding search intent, developing compelling messaging, and recommending landing page content.

Theresa Gollini

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager

Zhanna Pasiaka

Job Titles:
  • Senior SEO Manager
Zhanna loves SEO for its perfect balance of analytics and creativity. Since her first link building job out of college, Zhanna has gained expertise in both digital marketing and SEO. Zhanna's passion is in building mutually thriving meaningful relationships at work and outside, spending time with her family doing anything in the world, reading Scandinavian literature and science fiction, and traveling.