UTAH - History of Changes

2024-04-04 delete chairman W. Richards Woodbury
2024-04-04 insert chairman David Donegan
2024-04-04 delete person W. Richards Woodbury
2024-04-04 insert person Dan Simons
2024-04-04 update person_title David Donegan: Vice Chairman => Chairman
2024-04-04 update person_title Michael Mower: Trustee / Deputy Chief of Staff and State Planning Coordinator Governor 's Office => Trustee / Senior Advisor for Intergovernmental Relations Governor 's Office
2024-04-04 update person_title Warren H. Peterson: Trustee / Vice President of Land and Natural Resources, Retired Farmland Reserve, Inc => Vice Chairman / Vice President of Land and Natural Resources, Retired Farmland Reserve, Inc
2023-04-09 update person_title Christa Nielson: Office Specialist => Administrative Assistant
2022-09-16 delete person Donald G. Foot
2022-09-16 insert person Mike Nelson
2022-09-16 update person_title David Donegan: Trustee / President SOGC, Inc. => Vice Chairman / President SOGC, Inc.
2022-09-16 update person_title W. Richards Woodbury: Vice Chairman / Woodbury Corporation => Chairman / Woodbury Corporation