Dee Mason

Dee Mason was a native Floridian who married a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran, Harvey Mason who was a professional oceanographer and also worked on oil platforms for environmental concerns. They moved to Houston, then to North Carolina. Deja Mason graduated Western Carolina University Magna Cum Laude. After her husband passed away,Ms. Mason moved back to her home in ST. Petersburg, Florida. She spent the next few years doing "voice over" for radio commercials and working on small business PC issues and IT consulting. She met Gil Hunter in 2006 and began working at American Data Supply . She was a dedicated employee and also had other talents such as astomonomy, geology and oceanography. Being from Florida- it is hard if not impossible to not love the beach- and Dee loved her time strolling or walking or driving along Gulf Boulevard on the Gulf Mexico at St. Pete Beach. Dee also took flying lessons at Alfred Whitted Airport in ST. Petersburg. Dee loved science and the Space Shuttle program. At each Space Shuttle launch she would have the staff watch the live feeds coming from NASA on take off and landing. Dee also had animals all around her just walk up to her- it seemed everyone and everything around here trusted and loved her. Dee was also an avid gardener- a "healer" that got plants "well". Plants that were almost dead and dying spring back to life after she touched them. As for Geology and earthquakes, Ms. Mason was also working on perfecting her theories on earthquake prediction using the "Perigee" Tidal Flows of the Moon. Dee actually told many of the employees that a "major" earthquake was imminent on the Pacific Plate- just days before the great Japan quake and Tsunami in March. She kept journals on her research on this and many other earthquakes. Deja was a gifted- remarkable woman. Dee Mason also planned to marry this summer. Unfortunately, fate had another tale to tell. Throughout her last few weeks, Deja Mason tried to keep up with her writing and memoirs. She worked up until the end. Deja left for the hospital on March 29 for a "check-up" after losing about 15 pounds in 5 weeks...........No none- not even she knew what was wrong with her until her quick and fatal diagnosis...........and she passed away from Cancer on April 14, 2011 at Woodside Hospice. The staff at Woodside Hospice are to be greatly commended for their great and comforting work in easing Dee's pain. Ms. Mason had her funeral on Saturday April 30, 2011. We will be dedicating our website over the coming weeks to Ms. Mason as it is Deja and her methods that helped this company grow and prosper to where it is today.......... and will be tomorrow.

Gil Hunter - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder