Updated 24 days ago
2-157C Harwood Ave. North, Suite 230 Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1Z 0B6
We want to accomplish this optimal asset value while minimizing the operating (including fuel) costs and maintenance costs and working such that we mitigate the risk of safety or environmental issues. During its' operation: creating asset value requires an organizational ‘team effort' from many stakeholders from your enterprise (not just the maintenance and operations folks!)...
About Asset Management: Foundationally Asset Management is all about the asset and its intended value. It is about getting the ‘value' that was originally envisioned during the asset purchase decision time frame: throughout the asset's life-cycle. We want to accomplish this optimal asset value Donald Barry is President and Principal Consultant with Asset Acumen Consulting Inc., supporting Risk & Reliability Strategies and more
Also known as: Asset Acumen Consulting Inc.