Updated 760 days ago
1927 South Tryon Street Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203
In setting up a new enterprise or making changes to your present business, there are a number of actions to be addressed. Chief among these is the determination of the type of entity you wish to create - corporation, S-corporation, limited liability company (LLC), partnership or sole proprietorship. An experienced corporate attorney can assist in making this decision (although the services of an accountant are recommended for specific tax issues) and can create the documents and do the filings necessary to get your business up and running while protecting all owners or to make the changes to your business structure that will better help you to achieve your goals. This attorney can also assist in making sure that you meet your legal obligations with regard to filing, keeping corporate records, etc., and can assist you in finding resources to help with licenses, permits, and other governmental requirements for your business. Finally, we can help with your decision to dissolve your..
Also known as: Law Firm Carolinas