PREMERISA - Key Persons

Anthony Mattouk

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
With experience in managing product and service businesses for over 20years, Anthony is full of expertise to advise a growing business like Premerisa Technologies Limited. His council is always priceless.

Arnold Folivi - COO

Job Titles:
  • COO
Arnold loves taking on challenges. With his multi-year experience as Commercial Director in the software industry, Arnold has helped the company to get where it is today. He is among the best minds.

Isaac Nukporfe - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO

John Kennedy Abiola - CFO

Job Titles:
  • CFO
John, with his international experience, helps us easily understand the numbers and improves them. He is determined to drive success and delivers his professional acumen to bring the company to the next level.