Dr. Ron Martinelli - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
Martinelli & Associates, Justice & Forensic Consultants, Inc. is one of the largest and well-recognized law enforcement training and consulting firms in California. Our company offers a broad range of officer training courses throughout the U.S., including its widely acclaimed "Use of Force" curriculum for law enforcement agencies. In addition to its law enforcement mission, Martinelli & Associates has, for the past several years, conducted its Street Safe civilian self-defense training courses. These courses provide the law-abiding citizen with the very same personal protection and self-defense training available to our law enforcement and military clients. Due to the increasing demand by private gun owners and potential gun owners for safe and effective training classes, Martinelli & Associates is proud to present to the public our Street Safe Defense Firearms Training Program. Instructed by Martinelli & Associates' nationally-certified and highly experienced law enforcement firearms instructors, the Street Safe Defense Firearms Training Program brings you, the law-abiding private citizen, the same cutting edge instruction and effective, street-proven techniques that have been taught to thousands of police officers, federal agents and military personnel.