Christopher Behrens

Job Titles:
  • Working Student

Dietrich Alexander

Job Titles:
  • Director
Veteran journalist with a second sense for gripping stories and engaging writing.

Dr. Michael J. Inacker - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
  • Founding Directors of the Skywriters - Agency for Strategy
Connects the worlds of politics, media and business - as an experienced journalist, ministerial speechwriter and communications expert at two DAX companies. "A story is always a story -whether it's told in print or through digital media." Dr. Michael Inacker was a journalist at Germany's top three publishing houses, as leading editor for the WELT am SONNTAG, co-founder and capital city bureau chief of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, and member of the editorial board of WirtschaftsWoche and Handelsblatt. He also gained business experience at two DAX-listed companies, as the chairman's chief of staff and as vice president for politics and external affairs at Daimler; and later as communications director at METRO. He also spent six years as chairman of the board at WMP EuroCom communications agency. He is currently supervisory board chairman at Quast Bau in Siegen and holds several honorary posts. In late 2020, he - and Michael Behrens - became founding directors of The Skywriters - Agency for Strategy and Communication.

Julius Mittag

Job Titles:
  • Junior Consultant
Durch mein Studium mit dem Schwerpunkt international Management und meiner Zeit in Schottland und Frankreich habe ich vielfältige Eindrücke aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen gesammelt. Meine Begeisterung für Sprache und Wort ziehe ich aus jahrelanger Erfahrung im Poetry Slam.

Klaus‑Peter Schmidt‑Deguelle

Job Titles:
  • Secretary of State
Former editor in chief of VOX and secretary of state, familiar with the cutting edge of business and politics. "Slow and steady wins the race - each and every communication should be prepared and implemented strategically and sustainably."

Linda Mögel

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
At home in the digital world, she does creative storytelling beyond the boundaries of social media.

Michael Behrens - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
A man of many careers: an experienced television journalist and long-time Asia PR, marketing and sales manager at a DAX-listed company. "Form follows function - We put the business case at the heart of all we do. Form and colour follow." In late 2020 he - and Michael Inacker - became founding directors of The Skywriters - Agency for Strategy and Communication.

Rezzo Schlauch

Job Titles:
  • Senior Advisor

Sabine Seeger-Regling

Job Titles:
  • Senior Advisor - Office Brussels
Worked for many years as a European correspondent and is well acquainted with the EU institutions. She knows the Brussels business and guides profoundly through the EU regulatory thicket. "Our life is what our thoughts make it", Mark Aurelius knew. Transferred to the business community, one could say: "Our business is what creativity and communication make it".

Stephanie Hundacker

Job Titles:
  • Assistant to the Management

Volker Siegert

Job Titles:
  • Director - Office Frankfurt
A crisis-tested finance professional with years of experience managing, advising and consulting projects in Germany's banking capital. "Good communication requires creativity and clarity, curiosity and nerve, faith and reliability"