Alastair Fisher - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Born and raised in Malaysia, educated at Dulwich College and Edinburgh University, Alastair established a successful private tutorial college in Athens, Greece in 1999, which still goes on strong. In 2016, he launched an online tutoring company, created specifically for the optimisation of private online consulting and tutoring. Having clocked up in excess of forty thousand hours of tutoring in a wide variety of contexts with an enviable track record, Alastair has a rich and privileged knowledge of the education landscape from many perspectives. Alastair is a passionate educationalist who strongly believes that a quality education should be available to anyone, anywhere at any time in this day and age of global interconnectivity. Thus, Infiniti e-learning platforms was launched in 2019.

Angelo Palyvos - COO

Job Titles:
  • COO
Angelo believes that everyone in the 21st century must have access to education and incredible learning opportunities. He joined Infiniti Platforms in 2019 because he believes that technology implementation is the route to accomplishing this end. Prior to Infiniti he worked for several years in a strategy consultancy in London where he specialised in the education, TMT, and business services industries. He has also interned in prestigious investment banks and a payments startup, in London and Chicago. Angelo studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford, St. Benet's Hall, where he was the Founding Co-President of the Oxbridge Finance Conference. He represented and captained the Greek National Debating Team and has won numerous awards in national and international debate tournaments. In his spare time he enjoys reading, watersports and contributing to charitable activities in his native Greece.

Dimitris Tsitsirigkos

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer
Dimitri was born and raised in Athens, but decided to move to the U.S. to pursue his academic and professional career for 7 years. He studied Computer Engineering with a minor in Business and Technology Innovation at Boston University. Joined the Infiniti team in mid 2020 to help with the improvement of the product and assist in the transition of the existing technologies. Prior to Infiniti, Dimitri had the pleasure to work for a few startups as well as for corporate companies, which equipped him with a broader view of how businesses work. He accompanied his technical and business acumen with a Master's in Business Analytics at ESADE Business School. He is a sailing and beach volleyball enthusiast, who enjoys any kind of activity or sport played around the beach.

Eugenia Maltezou

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder & Chief Developer
Eugenia was born and raised in Greece. A computer science and informatics graduate from the University of Patras, Eugenia has focused on web development and designing e-learning platforms, latterly concentrating on the development of the Infiniti Platforms. Eugenia is passionately interested in how technology can be meaningfully applied to education at all levels, anytime and anywhere. In her spare time, Eugenia is an avid tango dancer, inspiring others of all ages to participate.

Michael Dickson

Job Titles:
  • Chief Education Advisor
Mike was born in Edinburgh and educated at Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh and Worcester College of Higher Education. He schooled and lived in Nigeria, Kenya, Finland, Belgium and Malaysia. He has over thirty years of senior management experience being a former Head and Deputy of The Banda School in Nairobi. He also taught at Hillcrest Prep, Clifton Hall Prep and was Deputy at Loretto Nippers in Edinburgh. In 2017 he returned to the UK having been Head of The Regent School in Abuja. Mike lives in North Berwick and remains passionate about education as he is an education advisor to The Banda School and is a governor of a school in Perthshire.

Panos Vatikiotis

Job Titles:
  • Server Administrator
Born and raised in Athens, Greece with an extensive career of over 30 years as an IT and server administrator expert, Panos is responsible for all of Inifniti Platforms' Servers.