CLAIMS BIBLE - Key Persons

Alfie Usher

Alfie Usher is our business development manager and head of Social media. Alfie started his work life in hospitality as a concierge in London, after which he decided to join the Army and served in the Parachute regiment. During this transition out of the Army, he set up a Military Social media page "Fill your boots" which he currently runs full-time.He enjoys fine dressing gowns, tapas, and dislikes writing short bios.

Audi Car

Job Titles:
  • Finance Claims

Daniel Tannenbaum

Daniel Tannenbaum is our marketing and communications consultant who started his career at Goldman Sachs in 2011. After running a digital marketing agency for almost a decade, he consulted for more than 30 regulated companies across the loans and insurance space in the UK. Daniel is passionate about helping consumers to claim for products that they were mis-sold. He is a keen sportsman, regularly playing 5 a side football and basketball and is fluent in 6 languages.

Deepak Wadhwani

Deepak has a 30 year career as a Chartered Accountant. In 2007 he became involved in military tax rebates and this continued until 2017 when he co-founded Forces Compare, with Alfie. Having now retired from general practice, Deepak deals with all financial, administrative and legal aspects of Forces Compare and Claims Bible. He enjoys playing golf, keeping fit, yoga and has a passion for up-cycling.

Gavin Cooper

Gavin is our website and technical lead. Gavin started his marketing career in 2001 working as an agency account manager for Lever Faberge, General Mills and Premier Foods. Gavin now runs his own marketing consultancy business, which helps ambitious businesses generate more sales online in a simple and straightforward way. He co-founded Forces Money in 2014 and enjoys keeping fit, walks in nature and all aspects of design.

Marsh Car

Job Titles:
  • Finance Claims

Mercedes Car

Job Titles:
  • Finance Claims

Nissan Car

Job Titles:
  • Finance Claims

Porsche Car

Job Titles:
  • Finance Claims

Renault Car

Job Titles:
  • Finance Claims

Santander Car

Job Titles:
  • Finance Claims

Suzuki Car

Job Titles:
  • Finance Claims

Virgin Money

Job Titles:
  • Fraud