PZ EMPRENDE - Key Persons

Angie Melissa Madrigal Moya

Angie Melissa Madrigal Moya: Angie is an English interpreter and translator, as well as a tutor in various subjects, Angie is studying to become a school teacher. She currently lives in San Isidro and is the proud mother of a two-year old daughter. Gener Alejandro Chinchilla: Alex works as an English interpreter and translator. After emigrating to the U.S., he studied English as a Second Language at Washtenaw Community College, and subsequently founded the ‘Final Touch Painting Company'. Alex manages a heard of cattle, and loves to live the life of a cowboy.

Geoffrey Kistruck

Job Titles:
  • Professor and Department Head of Sustainability
Geoffrey Kistruck: Geoff is a Professor and Department Head of Sustainability, and the RBC Chair in Social Innovation & Impact at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto, Canada. He is a recognized global thought leader on the topic of entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging markets. Prior to entering academe, Dr. Kistruck held a number of roles within the investment and venture capital industry.

Kenneth Navarrete Guerrero

Job Titles:
  • Founder of Tiempo De Emprender
Kenneth Navarrete Guerrero: Kenneth is the Founder of Tiempo de Emprender, an organization focused on advising and consulting new entrepreneurs. He is also a graphic design technician and has worked on brand creation for many different organizations. Kenneth has a degree in Theology, and is a Delegate for the Brunca Region of the Costa Rica-United States Chamber of Commerce.