Joatham Surage

Job Titles:
  • Sales Representative
Age: 21 Position: Sales Representative My name is Joatham Surage, I am 21 years of age. I am a sales rep of ASAP Transport. My job is to transport vehicles to their destinations to get valued, valet and deliver vehicles to customers. One of the professional skills that I've gained is being motivated to complete assignments for work and how to communicate with customers. My productivity trick is always waking up with a good mindset and always to think positive. My personality traits are to be polite & well mannered, it gives the customer a good sense of my character. I have been working at ASAP Transport for three years.

Kamar Bannister

Job Titles:
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Sales Representative
Age: 30 Position: Sales Representative My name is Kamar Bannister. I am 29 years of age. I have been working with ASAP Transport Services for approximately two years. On first joining the ASAP Transport team I was working as what people may call an "errand guy", in which I carried vehicles to be valued, valeted, registered, etc. Since then, I was working as a sales rep. in which I assist customers in making their best decision for in some cases their first vehicles, or an upgrade from their old ones. One of the things I like most about my job is interacting with the customers as sometimes you gain new information about things you never knew as well as gain new knowledge about things you already knew before. Also, I enjoy the looks of satisfaction on the customers faces as they collect their vehicle of their choice.

Timothy Johnson

Job Titles:
  • Manager