AVEH - Key Persons

Anderson Valley Elder

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Elder Home History
In the late 1990s several Anderson Valley residents noted that local elders had to leave the Valley to receive the care they needed, and leave family, friends and community behind. They resolved to build and operate a facility that would let elders "stay at home in the Valley." In August 2002, the Anderson Valley Elder Home was incorporated as a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization in California. The original board members were Hayes Brennan, Nancy Wood, Gaile Wakeman, Walter "Shine" Tuttle, and Robert "Captain Rainbow" Salisbury. The Elder Home board conducted a professional feasibility study that confirmed the local need for an eldercare facility. As in much of Northern California, Anderson Valley's population was rapidly aging and the nearest assisted living facilities were in Ukiah or Fort Bragg, a long and arduous trip for friends and family. The Board resolved to purchase local property and construct a small facility on it. In 2006 an ideal property became available. It was centrally located in Boonville adjacent to the Anderson Valley Senior Center and consisted of a single-family residence, a duplex and a large adjacent lot for future expansion. And even though the real estate market was at an all-time high, the Board agreed to buy it and rent out the existing residences while raising funds to convert the house into a five-suite assisted living facility.

Arline Bloom

Job Titles:
  • President of the Board of Directors

Brian Snelling

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors

Cynthia McMath

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of the Board of Directors

Dennis Nord

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors

Jill Hannum

Job Titles:
  • Secretary of the Board of Directors

Karen Ottoboni

Job Titles:
  • Treasurer of the Board of Directors